Doctrine & Administration – What Is The Difference?
When doctrinal changes were made by the Worldwide Church of God, was this issue confused? The answer may help you to avoid the pitfall of so many.
When doctrinal changes were made by the Worldwide Church of God, was this issue confused? The answer may help you to avoid the pitfall of so many.
Many former members of the World Wide Church of God believe they were duped. Are they right? Read this article to find out.
Thousands of professing Christians are deserting the established churches and seeking spiritual satisfaction elsewhere. Is something missing in many mainstream churches? Maybe you should take a closer look at what the Bible indicates about true spirituality.
Does Truth come by scholarship and progressive change? Should each generation have its own set of doctrines? What is the faith once delivered? This article may surprise you.
Can truth which was once “proven” be “reproven?” What if “reproven” truth differs from that originally proven? What does it mean to really prove the truth?
Does Bible understanding come from scholarship and research? Where does revelation fit in? What is the truth about this important matter?
Thousands know the Worldwide Church of God is no longer the church it was. Was this the prophesied “falling away”? And if so, when did it begin?
Liberalism pervades society. What has it done to the Church of God? The truth may surprise you.
By Paul Royer and Bryce Clark In May of 1974, the Worldwide Church of God changed its teaching on the doctrine of divorce and remarriage. In order to pave the way for this change, Mr. Armstrong had been told for many months that the church was losing members. And that this was because of his… Read More
By Paul Royer and Bryce Clark In 1974 the Worldwide Church of God changed its teaching on which day to observe Pentecost-from Monday to Sunday. Pentecost is the only holy day that must be counted. The Bible instructs us to count 50 days and then keep Pentecost. In spite of what may have been stated… Read More
Many church groups today were once a part of the Worldwide Church of God. The last count is over 200, and the number seems to be growing. Some believe the apostasy occurred as late as 1995, but the common view held by the majority of these groups is that after Herbert W. Armstrong’s death in… Read More
The Apostle Paul prophesied that a “falling away” would occur shortly before the return of Christ. Has it happened yet? And if so, when? In 1974 two dramatic announcements were made to the ministry and membership of the Worldwide Church of God. The Pasadena headquarters announced that the observance of the day of Pentecost would… Read More
Whether realized or not, an invisible law that God has set in motion affects all mankind. Some refer to it as “karma.” Others call it “cause and effect.” Regardless of how men may choose to label it, this law is irrevocable. It produces either good or bad results. The Bible states it this way: “Be… Read More
How important is prayer? Your salvation depends on it!
Does the Lord’s Day refer to Sunday? Or does it refer to something else? The truth may shock you!
Are we saved by merely accepting Christ? Or is more required? You may be surprised at the answer.
Statesmen, scientists, and world leaders desperately want a one world government. They know this alone can avert nuclear war. Will world government bring world peace? See the Bible answer.
Many theologians believe the last days are here and that Armageddon is at hand. What does the Bible reveal about world conditions in the “last days”? And what are the signs that indicate the final time is truly near?
The Bible prophesies of terrible events ahead. Who will escape this coming tribulation? Your future may depend on what you do now before it is too late.
The Bible warns about a mysterious world system that is to appear in the last days. Why should we be concerned?
Did Jesus preach about Himself, or did he come with a message? What was His message? What is the Gospel Jesus preached? You may be surprised by what you read.
Jesus Christ asked this question, ” . . . when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Jesus implied there would be little. In a world that is bent on ungodliness, the threat of nuclear war, new and incurable disease epidemics, and increasing antagonism against those who uphold… Read More
Noah is the first of the patriarchs we should examine. Righteous Abel and Enoch lived before his time, but we have little information about them. Noah was the tenth in line from Adam, having descended from the line of Seth. He was the son of Lamech, as well as the grandson of Methuselah. The Bible… Read More
Abraham was one of the most important men of the Old Testament. In Genesis 11, the genealogy of Abraham is given, going back to Shem, the son of Noah. Abraham was born at about 2016 BC, or 350 years after the Flood. Bible commentaries point out that the genealogy of Genesis 11 is one of… Read More
Jesus said Isaac and Jacob would be in the Kingdom of God (Luke 13:28). They must, then, be considered great men of the Old Testament. Isaac, the son of Abraham, was the father of Jacob. His birth was as follows: And these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham’s son: Abraham begat Isaac: And Isaac was… Read More