Selected Psalms

8 Items

Selected Psalms – Psalm 15

by David Kortum

Thomas Jefferson called this psalm the picture of a true gentleman. Not only that, it is the picture of true righteousness and describes what is required for one to enter the Kingdom of God. Righteousness, according to the Bible, is the keeping of God’s Commandments (Ps. 119:172). The question that is asked by David is… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 73

by David Kortum

Psalm Seventy Three is the first of the next ten psalms written by Asaph. From the comments made in the first paragraph of Psalm Fifty, we will recall his rank and influence as David’s chief musician Psalm Seventy Three begins with the observation that God is always good to those whose hearts are pure, those… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 51

by David Kortum

Psalm 51, written by David, is a very moving hymn of repentance. This was because of his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband. We can only imagine the stark reality David felt when he came to grasp the depth of his sin and its consequences. Chapters 11 and 12, of 2 Samuel… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 37

by David Kortum

Psalm 37 is one of the best-loved of David’s Psalms. Its purpose is to teach the righteous how to live in a world filled with wickedness, and how to live among those who hate God. The Psalm contains seven admonitions on how to achieve tranquility and peace of mind under these conditions. The first admonition… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 69

by David Kortum

Psalm 69, written by David, is a Psalm of affliction. It most likely was written at the time David was fleeing from Saul. What is striking about it is that it contains eight passages that apply to Christ-passages that were fulfilled during His ministry. How could anyone know these passages applied to Christ unless inspired… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 50

by David Kortum

This Psalm was written by Asaph, (2 Chron. 29:30), a Levite and prominent musician, who had been appointed by David to preside over the choral services. It is the first of twelve that are attributed to him, but some of these should be credited to “the sons of Asaph.” Psalm 50 begins with a prophecy…. Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 19

by David Kortum

Psalm 19 is a Psalm that illustrates the glory of God’s Creation and the perfection of His Law. Both describe the perfection of God- manifested jointly in His physical law and spiritual law. The juxtaposition of the two cannot be appreciated enough. The first part of this Psalm pictures God’s Creation and the witness it… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 14

by David Kortum

If there was ever a Psalm written to illustrate the gullibility of man, it is this Psalm. The first sentence is so important that it is necessary to dwell on it. It reads: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . . . ” (Ps. 14:1). What is there about human… Read More
