Written Materials

125 of 263 items

Passover Instructions

(These instructions are taken from early guidance provided for properly partaking of Passover in one’s own home.) The Passover In your own home If you are unable to come to a location where there are Services to observe the Passover, you may observe it in your...

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Watching and Preparing

How many times have we read scripture from John, Ezekiel, Daniel and Christ concerning End Time prophecy and wondered if our interpretation of the prophecy is correct? I am not going to give a prediction concerning when Christ will return. The Bible clearly instructs...

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Compete Against the Self

We are currently in the midst of summer, when many are able to spend a little extra time with their family or friends. Children are out of school and the days are long. It is a time when the weather affords us an opportunity to enjoy many outdoor activities, such as...

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Conquer Deception Through Christ

A National Geographic documentary television show called “Brain Games” delves into the human brain and its capacity to be easily manipulated. A test is conducted on the streets of America in which a random person is asked to view a photo image. The image is the famous...

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How Does God Grow His Church?

God’s Church is the body of Christ on earth. “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Cor. 12:27). 1 Corinthians 6:15 states, “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? …” “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body…. For...

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The Appearances of Jesus

We have long understood that Jesus Christ was crucified on a Wednesday and was resurrected on the weekly Sabbath, three days and three nights later. He was put in the tomb as Wednesday was coming to an end, just prior to sunset. He came out of the tomb seventy-two...

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Hope for Ferguson

Ferguson, Missouri, received nationwide attention in 2014, but not for good things. Seldom, it seems, are places highlighted or newsworthy for good things. Ferguson received notoriety for events that occurred there, and the nation is still debating and grappling with...

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Does It Matter What We Think?

          We may have all heard the quip about patients in a mental institution.  It goes:  “We’re all here because we’re not all there.”  The mind is the most important component of the human body.  Without a sound mind human beings simply...

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Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

A popular song from the 1970’s began with the question, “Do you know where you’re going to?”  A seemingly simple, yet profound question to ask.  Yet this question, and the answer to it, has confounded humanity for millennia.  It is the difference between...

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Will Aborted Infants Live Again?

Will aborted infants be resurrected in the Kingdom of God?  Some related scriptures give us an indication that God may indeed give opportunity to those who had their hope snuffed out in the womb; that otherwise would have lived a healthy and normal life. Genesis 2:7...

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Do This In Remembrance Of Me

Think About It… Do This In Remembrance Of Me Let us suppose that your best friend knows that he is about to die, and he has one special request.  Would you do it?  Would you follow through with his request?  “Of course we would,” we confidently state.  Likewise, when...

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Got This App?

Got This App? One of the by-product’s from the cell phone age that we live in is the ever burgeoning availability of applications – or apps – that can be downloaded to your cell phone.  Do you have a need for something?  “There’s an app for that” or “I wonder if...

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Understanding the Pentecost Count

One might ask “How could a doctrine or a day have any bearing on the spiritual status of the Church, or in any way be implicated regarding the fractured and weakened state that the Church finds itself in today?”

Sadly, for this generation, most have hardly heard of the early years in the revival of the Church of God in these last days—fewer still have heard or recall the details of what was once taught, believed, and lived in the true Church of God.

Yet the sobering and stark reality is that each doctrinal change is directly linked to our covenant relationship with Christ!

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Had Enough of Christianity?

Think About It… Had Enough of Christianity? Recently, a well-known author of a series of romantic vampire novels has disavowed her belief in Christianity.  Interestingly, just a few short years ago, she had reasserted her belief in her religious roots.  But now she...

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Declaring Your Dependence Upon God

Think About It… Declaring Your Dependence Upon God July 4, 1776.  A date which all in the United States of America are very familiar with.  From young, school-aged children to those who are many years their elder, July 4, 1776 carries special significance.  For it is...

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Understanding Paul #1

Understanding Paul (Number One) The failure to understand the writings of Paul is due to ignoring the Gospels, the book of Acts, the General Epistles, as well as presuming that Paul’s Epistles represent the final revelation of the Word of God — a...

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Understanding Paul #2

Understanding Paul (Number Two) A look at Romans, Chapters 4 and 5, should clarify some of the questions that may have arisen over Paul’s teaching on justification.  Keep in mind that among the Jews there was a very strong belief in justification by works, that...

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Understanding Paul #3

Understanding Paul (Number Three) In chapter 5, of Romans, Paul illustrates that as the sin of Adam led to the death of mankind (not because of Adam’s sin but because all have sinned), Christ’s death led to the salvation of many (Rom. 5:12, 15). The...

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Understanding Paul #4

Understanding Paul (Number Four) Romans 14:14 has been interpreted by some to mean that we need not observe the law of clean and unclean meats, and that it is now permissible to eat anything we wish.  In the previous verses in this Chapter, we saw that Paul addressed...

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Understanding Paul #5

Understanding Paul (Number Five) 1 Corinthians 7 is important to understand because of the false interpretation of verse 15.  This text reads: “But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath...

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Understanding Paul #6

Understanding Paul (Number Six) 2 Corinthians 3:3-11, has been cited to “prove” that the Ten Commandments have been done away.  The motive behind the argument is the attempt to annul the weekly Sabbath – the seventh day of the week.  While most professing...

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Understanding Paul #7

Understanding Paul (Number Seven) Galatians 3 needs to be addressed because many quote it to “prove” the Apostle Paul taught that the Law of God no longer applies to Christians.  When evaluating this chapter, as well as those discussed in the book of...

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Understanding Paul #8

Understanding Paul (Number Eight) From a technical viewpoint Ephesians 5:11-13 is not difficult to understand.  The problem is that it is translated into the English of the early seventeenth century, and for that reason it is easily misunderstood.  It reads: ...

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Old Testament Problem Texts #3

Gideon was a mighty man of valor (Judges 6:12). Because of their national sins, Israel was being oppressed by the Midianites. God raised up a champion to deliver Israel from their hand. That champion was Gideon. Thirty-two thousand Israelites volunteered to fight with...

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Old Testament Problem Texts #2

As we continue in the examination of problem texts, we find that Numbers 21:8-9 certainly falls into this category. Let’s begin with verse four: “And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the...

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Old Testament Problem Texts #1

Many Old Testament texts are somewhat obscure and Bible commentators vary widely in their interpretations. This series will attempt to find the most logical meaning of some of these verses with the hope that it will add interest and a better understanding of the...

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True Thankfulness Requires Insight

True Thankfulness Requires Insight The United States of America is a country that has been blessed like no other country upon the face of the earth.  Known as “the breadbasket of the world,” the United States consistently helps and gives aid to countries in need. ...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 15

Thomas Jefferson called this psalm the picture of a true gentleman. Not only that, it is the picture of true righteousness and describes what is required for one to enter the Kingdom of God. Righteousness, according to the Bible, is the keeping of God’s...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 73

Psalm Seventy Three is the first of the next ten psalms written by Asaph. From the comments made in the first paragraph of Psalm Fifty, we will recall his rank and influence as David’s chief musician Psalm Seventy Three begins with the observation that God is...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 51

Psalm 51, written by David, is a very moving hymn of repentance. This was because of his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband. We can only imagine the stark reality David felt when he came to grasp the depth of his sin and its consequences. Chapters...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 37

Psalm 37 is one of the best-loved of David’s Psalms. Its purpose is to teach the righteous how to live in a world filled with wickedness, and how to live among those who hate God. The Psalm contains seven admonitions on how to achieve tranquility and peace of...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 69

Psalm 69, written by David, is a Psalm of affliction. It most likely was written at the time David was fleeing from Saul. What is striking about it is that it contains eight passages that apply to Christ-passages that were fulfilled during His ministry. How could...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 50

This Psalm was written by Asaph, (2 Chron. 29:30), a Levite and prominent musician, who had been appointed by David to preside over the choral services. It is the first of twelve that are attributed to him, but some of these should be credited to “the sons of...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 19

Psalm 19 is a Psalm that illustrates the glory of God’s Creation and the perfection of His Law. Both describe the perfection of God- manifested jointly in His physical law and spiritual law. The juxtaposition of the two cannot be appreciated enough. The first...

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Selected Psalms – Psalm 14

If there was ever a Psalm written to illustrate the gullibility of man, it is this Psalm. The first sentence is so important that it is necessary to dwell on it. It reads: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . . . ” (Ps. 14:1). What is there...

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Paul on Christian Living #1

The book of Romans addresses the conduct of those who, at an early date, turned from God and His Way of Life. The first chapter shows the way of life that is the opposite of Christian living. Beginning in verse 18 Paul writes: God’s anger is revealed from heaven...

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Paul on Christian Living #2

The idea that the Apostle Paul’s teaching freed Christians from the “Jewish yoke” and from the need to keep the law is absurd. It is patently disproven by what Paul taught about Christian living. To many, the “Jewish yoke” is interpreted...

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Paul on Christian Living #3

In Romans 14 Paul instructs the Christians not to judge one another. He cites the example of one who is weak in the faith and is a vegetarian. Such an one not only does not eat meat but sets days aside on which to fast. This is made clear in verses 5–6. To judge a...

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Paul on Christian Living #4

Christian living requires Christians not to condemn others. Many who accuse others are guilty of the same fault or sin themselves. Jesus warned of a certain type of judging that should not be done when He said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what...

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Paul on Christian Living #5

Christian living means being aware of biblical history. Here is why: “Now all these things happened unto them [Israel] for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (1 Cor. 10:11). These lessons of...

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Paul on Christian Living #6

One chapter that should make any honest person aware how short he falls compared to the perfect love of God is 1 Corinthians 13. In this chapter the Authorized Version uses the word “charity” for the word “love,” and thus the impact of what...

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Paul on Christian Living #7

A Christian should experience happiness. The fruits that come from disobedience to the Law of God should be foreign to those who keep God’s Commandments. This does not mean there will not be times of trial and tribulation for Christians. Jesus said: “These...

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Paul on Christian Living #8

The book of Colossians introduces another issue that Christians must face—that of not allowing philosophical ideas and thoughts of men to influence one’s commitment to Christ and the righteous behavior required of those who follow Him. This is why Paul...

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Paul on Christian Living #9

Two more principles of Christian living are mentioned in First Thessalonians. The first of these is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:11–12. Some brethren in Thessalonica had too much time on their hands and were not working. While Paul addressed this problem again in 2...

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Paul on Christian Living #10

The gift of the Holy Spirit is not given indiscriminately. It is so precious that only those who meet the requirements of repentance and baptism can be recipients (Acts 2:38). The Apostle Paul emphasized the responsibility that falls upon the shoulders of each...

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Paul on Christian Living #11

Because it emphasizes the Priesthood of Christ, the book of Hebrews is called “The Priesthood Book”. It also contains a number of Christian living principles. An important principle is found in Hebrews 1. Paul discusses the preeminence of Christ and the...

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Paul on Christian Living #12

Along with emphasizing the office of Christ as our High Priest, the book of Hebrews provides a number of Christian-living principles that must be taken seriously. In the beginning of Hebrews, the Apostle Paul stressed how great Jesus Christ really is, and the...

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Seven Signs of the True Church

According to David Barrett et al., editors of the World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of churches and religions AD 30 to 2000, there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. Of...

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Is Modern Pentecostalism Biblical?

In its modern form, Pentecostalism has it roots in Topeka, Kansas, where in the early 1900s Charles Parham traveled through Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas teaching the theology. In 1906 William J. Seymour led the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, and from...

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Larger Earthquakes Ahead

Between 1990 and 2002 there were 25,404 earthquakes worldwide. Of these, 11 were in the 8-9.9 category on the Richter Scale. The average number of quakes during this period was 2117 annually, 176 monthly, and 5.8 daily. During this same 12-year period, 2391 quakes...

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Why Did Christ Die?

How many times have we seen billboards that read, “Christ died to save sinners.” Or bumper stickers that say, “Jesus saves”? Do most people really understand what is meant? Probably not. It is not difficult, however, to know what they mean if...

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Seven Reasons Christ Came

We have often heard the expression, “Christ died to save sinners,” yet most people do not understand what it means. Simply stated, the Bible defines sin as the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). Man by birth, and by virtue of his nature, is a sinner....

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Tithing Today?

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Does tithing apply to this axiom? Should Christians tithe? See what the Bible teaches.

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To Deny Christ – What Does It Mean?

Jesus made this statement, “. . . whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” What did Jesus mean by this statement? What does it really mean to deny Christ? Read this article to find out.

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Salvation – What Does It Mean?

What is the reward of the saved? Does salvation mean that man will be restored to what he was before “the Fall?” Will the saved go to heaven? See what the Bible says about this subject.

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Passover Instructions

by David Kortum

(These instructions are taken from early guidance provided for properly partaking of Passover in one’s own home.) The Passover In your own home If you are unable to come to a location where there are Services to observe the Passover, you may observe it in your own home alone or with your family, as follows:… Read More

Watching and Preparing

by David Kortum

How many times have we read scripture from John, Ezekiel, Daniel and Christ concerning End Time prophecy and wondered if our interpretation of the prophecy is correct? I am not going to give a prediction concerning when Christ will return. The Bible clearly instructs us in Matthew 24:36 that we would only be guessing, for… Read More

Compete Against the Self

by David Kortum

We are currently in the midst of summer, when many are able to spend a little extra time with their family or friends. Children are out of school and the days are long. It is a time when the weather affords us an opportunity to enjoy many outdoor activities, such as camping, fishing, and hiking…. Read More

Conquer Deception Through Christ

by David Kortum

A National Geographic documentary television show called “Brain Games” delves into the human brain and its capacity to be easily manipulated. A test is conducted on the streets of America in which a random person is asked to view a photo image. The image is the famous picture of a Chinese student protestor standing in… Read More

How Does God Grow His Church?

by David Kortum

God’s Church is the body of Christ on earth. “Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular” (1 Cor. 12:27). 1 Corinthians 6:15 states, “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? …” “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body…. For the body is not… Read More

The Appearances of Jesus

by David Kortum

We have long understood that Jesus Christ was crucified on a Wednesday and was resurrected on the weekly Sabbath, three days and three nights later. He was put in the tomb as Wednesday was coming to an end, just prior to sunset. He came out of the tomb seventy-two hours later, as the weekly Sabbath… Read More

Hope for Ferguson

by David Kortum

Ferguson, Missouri, received nationwide attention in 2014, but not for good things. Seldom, it seems, are places highlighted or newsworthy for good things. Ferguson received notoriety for events that occurred there, and the nation is still debating and grappling with the issues of race relations and police tactics. One side sees it as an opportunity… Read More

Does It Matter What We Think?

by David Kortum

          We may have all heard the quip about patients in a mental institution.  It goes:  “We’re all here because we’re not all there.”  The mind is the most important component of the human body.  Without a sound mind human beings simply cannot function properly.  How we think directly relates to what we think.  In… Read More

Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

by David Kortum

A popular song from the 1970’s began with the question, “Do you know where you’re going to?”  A seemingly simple, yet profound question to ask.  Yet this question, and the answer to it, has confounded humanity for millennia.  It is the difference between wandering around aimlessly, or having a real purpose and goal that you… Read More

Will Aborted Infants Live Again?

by David Kortum

Will aborted infants be resurrected in the Kingdom of God?  Some related scriptures give us an indication that God may indeed give opportunity to those who had their hope snuffed out in the womb; that otherwise would have lived a healthy and normal life. Genesis 2:7 states that “…the Lord God formed man of the… Read More

Do This In Remembrance Of Me

by David Kortum

Think About It… Do This In Remembrance Of Me Let us suppose that your best friend knows that he is about to die, and he has one special request.  Would you do it?  Would you follow through with his request?  “Of course we would,” we confidently state.  Likewise, when we remember an individual who we… Read More

Got This App?

by David Kortum

Got This App? One of the by-product’s from the cell phone age that we live in is the ever burgeoning availability of applications – or apps – that can be downloaded to your cell phone.  Do you have a need for something?  “There’s an app for that” or “I wonder if there’s an app for… Read More

Understanding the Pentecost Count

by David Kortum

One might ask “How could a doctrine or a day have any bearing on the spiritual status of the Church, or in any way be implicated regarding the fractured and weakened state that the Church finds itself in today?”

Sadly, for this generation, most have hardly heard of the early years in the revival of the Church of God in these last days—fewer still have heard or recall the details of what was once taught, believed, and lived in the true Church of God.

Yet the sobering and stark reality is that each doctrinal change is directly linked to our covenant relationship with Christ!

Had Enough of Christianity?

by David Kortum

Think About It… Had Enough of Christianity? Recently, a well-known author of a series of romantic vampire novels has disavowed her belief in Christianity.  Interestingly, just a few short years ago, she had reasserted her belief in her religious roots.  But now she has joined the growing throngs of individuals who want to be spiritual,… Read More

Declaring Your Dependence Upon God

by David Kortum

Think About It… Declaring Your Dependence Upon God July 4, 1776.  A date which all in the United States of America are very familiar with.  From young, school-aged children to those who are many years their elder, July 4, 1776 carries special significance.  For it is upon that day that the Colonists in the New… Read More

Understanding Paul #1

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number One) The failure to understand the writings of Paul is due to ignoring the Gospels, the book of Acts, the General Epistles, as well as presuming that Paul’s Epistles represent the final revelation of the Word of God — a revelation that detaches itself from Old Testament “Jewish teachings.” The result has… Read More

Understanding Paul #2

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Two) A look at Romans, Chapters 4 and 5, should clarify some of the questions that may have arisen over Paul’s teaching on justification.  Keep in mind that among the Jews there was a very strong belief in justification by works, that is, by works of the law, and often the patriarch… Read More

Understanding Paul #3

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Three) In chapter 5, of Romans, Paul illustrates that as the sin of Adam led to the death of mankind (not because of Adam’s sin but because all have sinned), Christ’s death led to the salvation of many (Rom. 5:12, 15). The Moffatt Translation gives a clear explanation of this. For if… Read More

Understanding Paul #4

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Four) Romans 14:14 has been interpreted by some to mean that we need not observe the law of clean and unclean meats, and that it is now permissible to eat anything we wish.  In the previous verses in this Chapter, we saw that Paul addressed the subject of vegetarianism, illustrating that one’s… Read More
