Polygamy – Who Benefits?
Same-sex marriage advocates are now pushing for the legalization of polygamy. But who would benefit?
Same-sex marriage advocates are now pushing for the legalization of polygamy. But who would benefit?
“Christian homosexuals” say the Bible supports the homosexual lifestyle. Does the Bible really say this? Get the facts from this article.
What does the Bible really teach about participating in war? Should converted Christians do so? The answers to these questions is paramount during a time of national emergency.
What does the Bible mean by “unclean meats”? Does the law of clean and unclean meats apply today? See what the Bible says about eating unclean meats.
Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Does tithing apply to this axiom? Should Christians tithe? See what the Bible teaches.
What is the origin of our national holidays? Are they acceptable to God? Read this article to find out the answers.
Is keeping the holy days a Christian requirement? Why did Christ, the apostles, and the early New Testament Church keep the holy days? Were they a part of the Law of Moses? Should we keep them today? Find out the truth about this matter.
This commandment requires more than most people realize. Find out what you may be overlooking.
Which Sabbath did Christ keep? What about Paul in the New Testament church? Which day is the Lord’s day? See what the Bible really says.
Does the New Covenant abolish the Sabbath? This article addresses the many arguments that seem to say so.
The Apostle Peter said the gospel was preached in the Old Testament. What was that gospel, and what did he mean?
Millions of professing Christians believe the Law of Moses is obsolete. Is it? Find out the truth from this article.
Jesus was asked, “What is the Great Commandment of the Law?” See what was His answer.
This article makes plain what everyone should know about sin and its consequences.
The Apostle Paul spoke of the “care of the churches.” What did he mean? How did he do it? See what was really involved.
Sacred Name Advocates place great stock in the proper pronunciation of “the Name.” They say it is required for salvation. Is there any Scriptural proof that this is correct? This article lays out the Truth in a candid manner.
Jesus said there is one sin that is unforgivable. What is it? Could you be guilty of it? Find out what it is.
The Bible says Satan has deceived the whole world. Is this true?
Jesus made this statement, “. . . whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” What did Jesus mean by this statement? What does it really mean to deny Christ? Read this article to find out.
What happens to man when he dies? Does he have a soul that goes to heaven? What is the hope of life after death? Read to find out the Bible answer.
Jesus spoke often of the Resurrection—some resurrected to damnation, some to eternal life. What did He mean? Find out in this article.
What is the soul? Is man’s soul immortal? What is the hope of life after death? Read this article for the answers.
Is the Kingdom of God already here? Or is it in the hearts of men? What does the Bible really mean when it talks about the Kingdom of God? Where will it be located? Find out the truth about this matter.
Did the New Covenant do away with the Law of God? Is the Old Covenant now obsolete? Should Christians observe New Testament “principles” only? Find out the facts about this important subject.
What is the reward of the saved? Does salvation mean that man will be restored to what he was before “the Fall?” Will the saved go to heaven? See what the Bible says about this subject.