All of a Sudden, He Got Religion

by David Kortum

We may have heard the joke Bob Hope once made about religion. He said he was on an airplane when the left engine quit. People began to gasp, then suddenly the right engine quit. The lady next to him screamed, “Do something religious.” Bob Hope said, “So I did. I got up and took a… Read More

What Is True Success?

by David Kortum

Financial success — making money — is a major goal for many. Is this true success? Do you really know what the New Testament teaches about success?

The Key to Happiness

by David Kortum

Is happiness as elusive as many find it to be? What is the key to true happiness? Perhaps this article will enlighten you.

Using Prayer to Overcome

by David Kortum

Why do so many suffer from insurmountable problems? Is help available? Do they not understand the value of prayer in overcoming? This article shows how.

Understanding Divine Healing

by David Kortum

Hebrews 13:8 states: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Christ healed many in His day. Does Hebrews 13:8 still apply? This article will give the answer.

Can We Rely On the Hebrew Calendar?

by David Kortum

Is there any truth to the argument that the Hebrew Calendar is unreliable, that it is unauthorized, inaccurate, and has no place in holy day observance? See what the real facts are.

The Facts About Pentecost

by David Kortum

Those who keep Pentecost on Sunday ridicule a Monday Pentecost. Are there some things Sunday advocates are overlooking? Read this article to get all the facts.
