Written Materials

2650 of 263 items

All About Water Baptism

Make no mistake about it, baptism is a requirement for salvation. Since God alone is immortal (1 Tim. 6:15-16), He reserves to Himself the power of imparting eternal life or death (John 5:21, 1 John 5:11-12). Because all men have sinned-that is, they have broken the...

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The Nature of Man

Is man’s nature plastic and changing, capable of unlimited improvement? Is it evolving for the good? You may be surprised what the Bible reveals about human nature!

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Why Were You Born?

Why did God create man? What is man’s purpose here on the Earth? Read this very informative article and find what God has in store for man.

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Is God Fair?

In His dealings with men, is God fair? If He is, why does He allow so much suffering? Read this article to find out.

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All of a Sudden, He Got Religion

We may have heard the joke Bob Hope once made about religion. He said he was on an airplane when the left engine quit. People began to gasp, then suddenly the right engine quit. The lady next to him screamed, “Do something religious.” Bob Hope said,...

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The Apostasy – When Did It Begin?

Many church groups today were once a part of the Worldwide Church of God. The last count is over 200, and the number seems to be growing. Some believe the apostasy occurred as late as 1995, but the common view held by the majority of these groups is that after Herbert...

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The Falling Away – Has It Happened?

The Apostle Paul prophesied that a “falling away” would occur shortly before the return of Christ. Has it happened yet? And if so, when? In 1974 two dramatic announcements were made to the ministry and membership of the Worldwide Church of God. The...

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The Fruits of Immorality

Whether realized or not, an invisible law that God has set in motion affects all mankind. Some refer to it as “karma.” Others call it “cause and effect.” Regardless of how men may choose to label it, this law is irrevocable. It produces either...

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The Coming Millenium

Statesmen, scientists, and world leaders desperately want a one world government. They know this alone can avert nuclear war. Will world government bring world peace? See the Bible answer.

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Part One—The Patriarchs: Noah

Noah is the first of the patriarchs we should examine. Righteous Abel and Enoch lived before his time, but we have little information about them. Noah was the tenth in line from Adam, having descended from the line of Seth. He was the son of Lamech, as well as the...

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Part Two—the Judges: Joshua

Upon the death of Moses, Joshua was chosen to replace him. He was the conqueror of the Promised Land, and set the stage for the period of the judges that followed. This is why he is included in the section of the judges. The Byzantine historian, Procopius, wrote that...

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Part Two—the Judges: Gideon

The Israelites served God all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who outlived him. But in time a new generation arose that had not seen Gods power and works. They forsook God and turned to Baal worship (Judges 2:7, 10-11). According to the punishment...

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Part Two—the Judges: Jephthah

After the death of Gideon, the Israelites again turned from God. We read: And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the LORD, and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the...

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Part Three —The Kings: Asa

Upon Solomon’s death, his son Rehoboam took the throne. He was unrighteous, and early in his reign the ten tribes of the North broke away from the house of David. Rehoboam reigned 17 years and upon his death, his son Abijah took the throne. Abijah reigned only...

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Part Three —The Kings: Jehu

Jehu was not a righteous man in the sense that he was dedicated to God’s Way of Life. But he should be considered great because of his zeal in obeying God’s instruction to avenge the house of Ahab. He was given a commission through the prophet Elijah-a...

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Part Three —The Kings: Hezekiah

The father of Hezekiah, Ahaz, was a wicked king (2 Chr. 28:1-4), but Hezekiah did not follow in his footsteps. We may never know why some evil kings did not follow in the footsteps of their righteous fathers, or why some righteous kings did not follow in the footsteps...

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Part Three —The Kings: Josiah

Josiah, the last of the righteous kings of Judah, is the final king to be considered in this section. Josiah is perhaps unusual because a wicked father and wicked grandfather preceded him on the throne. His grandfather, Manasseh, was the most wicked king that ever...

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Part Four—the Prophets: Elijah

One of the most fascinating of the prophets was Elijah. He is also one of the greatest, a man truly zealous for God. Little is known about the background and personal life of Elijah. He appears to have been middle-aged, at least, when he came on the scene-at a time...

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Part Four—the Prophets: Elisha

Elisha was chosen by God to continue the office of Elijah. His primary mission was to advise the kings of Israel. In that sense, what he accomplished was a continuation of the work of Elijah. Among the prophets who performed miracles, none surpassed Elisha. The number...

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Parables Part 1

During His ministry Jesus spoke often of the Kingdom of God. At times He used parables when referring to this kingdom. A parable is an allegorical story that illustrates some truth, or religious principle, or moral lesson. The common belief today is that Jesus spoke...

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Part Five —The Governors: Ezra

About 150 years before the time of Ezra, Isaiah the prophet prophesied of the work that Ezra was to accomplish. These prophecies did not refer to Ezra directly, but it did foretell his essential role in their fulfillment. Here are the prophecies: “Thus saith the...

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The Mighty Acts of God – The Flood

The Bible does not give the length of time between the creation of man and the deception by Satan. Genesis 3 describes this deception. Both Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They sinned-transgressed the law (1 John 3:4)....

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Parables Part 2

In Matthew 13:24-30 we find “the parable of the tares.” It reads as follows: In the parable of the tares Jesus gave an illustration of what the kingdom of heaven is “likened unto,” that is, what it resembles. Then He went on to illustrate. The...

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Understanding Paul #5

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Five) 1 Corinthians 7 is important to understand because of the false interpretation of verse 15.  This text reads: “But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.”   It is assumed that the word… Read More

Understanding Paul #6

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Six) 2 Corinthians 3:3-11, has been cited to “prove” that the Ten Commandments have been done away.  The motive behind the argument is the attempt to annul the weekly Sabbath – the seventh day of the week.  While most professing Christians believe in the moral law (enumerated by the Ten Commandments), they… Read More

Understanding Paul #7

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Seven) Galatians 3 needs to be addressed because many quote it to “prove” the Apostle Paul taught that the Law of God no longer applies to Christians.  When evaluating this chapter, as well as those discussed in the book of Romans, a few facts should be kept in mind.  The sacrificial system… Read More

Understanding Paul #8

by David Kortum

Understanding Paul (Number Eight) From a technical viewpoint Ephesians 5:11-13 is not difficult to understand.  The problem is that it is translated into the English of the early seventeenth century, and for that reason it is easily misunderstood.  It reads:  “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  For… Read More

Old Testament Problem Texts #3

by David Kortum

Gideon was a mighty man of valor (Judges 6:12). Because of their national sins, Israel was being oppressed by the Midianites. God raised up a champion to deliver Israel from their hand. That champion was Gideon. Thirty-two thousand Israelites volunteered to fight with Gideon, but God said that was too many (Judges 7:2-3). The number… Read More

Old Testament Problem Texts #2

by David Kortum

As we continue in the examination of problem texts, we find that Numbers 21:8-9 certainly falls into this category. Let’s begin with verse four: “And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the… Read More

Old Testament Problem Texts #1

by David Kortum

Many Old Testament texts are somewhat obscure and Bible commentators vary widely in their interpretations. This series will attempt to find the most logical meaning of some of these verses with the hope that it will add interest and a better understanding of the Sacred Word. This is not to say that the exact meaning… Read More

True Thankfulness Requires Insight

by David Kortum

True Thankfulness Requires Insight The United States of America is a country that has been blessed like no other country upon the face of the earth.  Known as “the breadbasket of the world,” the United States consistently helps and gives aid to countries in need.  Whether it is responding to a tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, or… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 15

by David Kortum

Thomas Jefferson called this psalm the picture of a true gentleman. Not only that, it is the picture of true righteousness and describes what is required for one to enter the Kingdom of God. Righteousness, according to the Bible, is the keeping of God’s Commandments (Ps. 119:172). The question that is asked by David is… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 73

by David Kortum

Psalm Seventy Three is the first of the next ten psalms written by Asaph. From the comments made in the first paragraph of Psalm Fifty, we will recall his rank and influence as David’s chief musician Psalm Seventy Three begins with the observation that God is always good to those whose hearts are pure, those… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 51

by David Kortum

Psalm 51, written by David, is a very moving hymn of repentance. This was because of his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband. We can only imagine the stark reality David felt when he came to grasp the depth of his sin and its consequences. Chapters 11 and 12, of 2 Samuel… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 37

by David Kortum

Psalm 37 is one of the best-loved of David’s Psalms. Its purpose is to teach the righteous how to live in a world filled with wickedness, and how to live among those who hate God. The Psalm contains seven admonitions on how to achieve tranquility and peace of mind under these conditions. The first admonition… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 69

by David Kortum

Psalm 69, written by David, is a Psalm of affliction. It most likely was written at the time David was fleeing from Saul. What is striking about it is that it contains eight passages that apply to Christ-passages that were fulfilled during His ministry. How could anyone know these passages applied to Christ unless inspired… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 50

by David Kortum

This Psalm was written by Asaph, (2 Chron. 29:30), a Levite and prominent musician, who had been appointed by David to preside over the choral services. It is the first of twelve that are attributed to him, but some of these should be credited to “the sons of Asaph.” Psalm 50 begins with a prophecy…. Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 19

by David Kortum

Psalm 19 is a Psalm that illustrates the glory of God’s Creation and the perfection of His Law. Both describe the perfection of God- manifested jointly in His physical law and spiritual law. The juxtaposition of the two cannot be appreciated enough. The first part of this Psalm pictures God’s Creation and the witness it… Read More

Selected Psalms – Psalm 14

by David Kortum

If there was ever a Psalm written to illustrate the gullibility of man, it is this Psalm. The first sentence is so important that it is necessary to dwell on it. It reads: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . . . ” (Ps. 14:1). What is there about human… Read More

The Apostles on Christian Living #1

by David Kortum

The General Epistles were written by James, Peter, John, and Jude. This series will draw from these epistles. Since the Epistle of James is the first in the order of these works, his epistle will be the first to be considered. The Apostle James was the physical brother of Christ. James was not one of… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #1

by David Kortum

The book of Romans addresses the conduct of those who, at an early date, turned from God and His Way of Life. The first chapter shows the way of life that is the opposite of Christian living. Beginning in verse 18 Paul writes: God’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #2

by David Kortum

The idea that the Apostle Paul’s teaching freed Christians from the “Jewish yoke” and from the need to keep the law is absurd. It is patently disproven by what Paul taught about Christian living. To many, the “Jewish yoke” is interpreted to mean the Ten Commandments. Such a view fails to realize that the Sermon… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #3

by David Kortum

In Romans 14 Paul instructs the Christians not to judge one another. He cites the example of one who is weak in the faith and is a vegetarian. Such an one not only does not eat meat but sets days aside on which to fast. This is made clear in verses 5–6. To judge a… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #4

by David Kortum

Christian living requires Christians not to condemn others. Many who accuse others are guilty of the same fault or sin themselves. Jesus warned of a certain type of judging that should not be done when He said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #5

by David Kortum

Christian living means being aware of biblical history. Here is why: “Now all these things happened unto them [Israel] for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (1 Cor. 10:11). These lessons of history are emphasized in the 1 Corinthians 10. It has been stated… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #6

by David Kortum

One chapter that should make any honest person aware how short he falls compared to the perfect love of God is 1 Corinthians 13. In this chapter the Authorized Version uses the word “charity” for the word “love,” and thus the impact of what Paul wrote is not clearly grasped by modern readers. Paul describes… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #7

by David Kortum

A Christian should experience happiness. The fruits that come from disobedience to the Law of God should be foreign to those who keep God’s Commandments. This does not mean there will not be times of trial and tribulation for Christians. Jesus said: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have… Read More

Paul on Christian Living #8

by David Kortum

The book of Colossians introduces another issue that Christians must face—that of not allowing philosophical ideas and thoughts of men to influence one’s commitment to Christ and the righteous behavior required of those who follow Him. This is why Paul emphasizes the necessity to be holy, unblameable, and unreproveable in God’s sight (Col. 1:22). But… Read More
